PhD Researcher
Floris Mertens
Floris Mertens (1998) works as a PhD researcher at the Financial Law Institute of Ghent University. In 2021, he received a scholarship from the Special Research Fund of Ghent University (BOF) to prepare a PhD dissertation regarding a legal analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in support of decision-making at board level of companies. One year later, he was granted an additional fellowship from the Flemish Research Foundation (FWO) in support of his on-going project. Prof. dr. Hans De Wulf supervises his PhD research.
Floris held the position of Junior Academic Visitor at the Commercial Law Centre of the University of Oxford, during Trinity Term 2023 (from April till June). Starting from September 2023, he is also conducting a one-year research stay at Columbia University in the City of New York. For this last research stay, Floris has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship, in addition to a fellowship of the Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) and support from the Fernand Lazard Foundation.
Floris holds a degree of Master of Laws, obtained summa cum laude at Ghent University in 2021. During his time in law school, he interned at a Belgian law firm and the policy unit of the Federal State Secretary for Budget and Consumer Protection.

Working Papers
- Virtual Reality, Real Responsibility: The Regulatory Landscape for Virtual Influencers
- The use of artificial intelligence in corporate decision-making at board level: A preliminary legal analysis
- De brievenbusvennootschap aan banden: antimisbruikmaatregelen van internationaal privaatrecht
- Oprichtersaansprakelijkheid wegens kennelijk ontoereikend aanvangsvermogen: kan de cijferberoeper als zondebok dienen?