Lientje Van den Steen
Lientje obtained her law degree at Ghent University in 2004 and joined the Financial Law Institute as assistant in September 2004. In May 2009, she received her PhD, which dealt with intermediated securities and securities accounts and was published as “De effectenrekening” with Intersentia Publishers in 2009. Her fields of interest include not only financial law, but also Islamic banking and finance, company law, consumer protection, property law and civil law in general. She currently is a lawyer, specialising in regulatory matters.

Working Papers
- Enkele IPR-problemen uit het economisch recht: het mogelijke conflict tussen lex concursus en lex societatis, de effecten op rekening, en Europees getinte class actions in de VS
- De Wet van 14 december 2005 houdende afschaffing van de effecten aan toonder
- The Law of 14 December 2005 concerning the abolishment of bearer securities
- Opportunities in the M