Michel Tison, Reinhard Steennot, Christoph Van der Elst, Hans De Wulf

Perspectives in Company Law and Financial Regulation

Essays in honour of Eddy Wymeersch

This collection of essays has been compiled in honour of Professor Eddy Wymeersch on the occasion of his retirement as professor at Ghent University. His main international academic peers explore developments on the crossroads of company law and financial regulation in Europe and the United States, providing a unique view on the dynamics of regulatory competition in an era of economic globalisation, whether in the fields of rulemaking, organising the mobility of capital or the enforcement of rules. The deepening of European financial integration and the transatlantic regulatory dialogue have generated new paradigms of rule-setting in a multinational framework and reinforced the need to develop adequate instruments for co-operation between regulators.

- Reflects on techniques of designing and enforcing rules in global capital markets

- Explores the interplay of company law and capital market regulation in Europe and the US

- Allows readers to understand and assess the impact of regulatory competition within Europe and in EU-US relations

Cambridge University Press

, Cambridge , May 2009 , 978-05215157-02