Kristof Maresceau
Kristof Maresceau (Kortrijk, 1982) is a part-time professor at the Law School of Ghent University. He teaches several courses on business law as well as a course on credit law. During the last years Kristof published on a broad range of topics, mainly within the field of corporate law.
Kristof obtained a Master of Law (July 2005) and a Master of Business Economics (July 2006), both at the University of Ghent. In September 2013 he successfully defended his PhD thesis regarding cross-border mobility of corporations (Grensoverschrijdende mobiliteit van vennootschappen binnen de Europese Unie, Antwerp-Cambridge, 2014, 542 p.), for which he has been awarded with the triennial international Pierre Coppens Prize 2014 (UCL) and the TPR Prize 2015.
He is a member of the Financial Law Institute (2006), a board member of the Belgian National Centre for Company Law (BCV-CDS) (2014) and a member of the corporate-M&A division of the law firm LAGA (2014).

Working Papers
- Het nieuwe Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen: overzicht en enkele pijnpunten
- Belgium, get ready to compete for corporate charters: een pleidooi voor de invoering van de statutaire zetelleer
- Vragen rond de aanknopingspunten in de Europese Insolventieverordening
- De grensoverschrijdende omzetting van vennootschappen binnen de Europese Unie na de arresten Cartesio en VALE
- Cross-border business in the EU and statutory disclosure requirements: Using IT as a catalyst for further market integration